Table 1

Baseline characteristics of sepsis patients enrolled in the Sepsis Fast Track programme* (SFT group) or standard of care (non-exposed group)

CharacteristicsSFT group†
Non-exposed group‡
Male gender526 (58)1653 (57)
Age (years) (median (IQR))63 (49–74)56 (39–70)
Age group (years)
 18–40100 (11)647 (22)
 >40–60277 (31)875 (30)
 >60–70214 (24)513 (18)
 >70312 (35)868 (30)
 Hypertension239 (26)726 (25)
 Diabetes mellitus213 (24)594 (20)
 Chronic kidney disease129 (14)391 (13)
 Dyslipidaemia66 (7)152 (5)
 Heart disease48 (5)183 (6)
 Lung disease67 (7)239 (8)
 Liver disease33 (4)91 (3)
 Cerebrovascular disease29 (3)55 (2)
 Malignancy13 (1)47 (2)
 HIV6 (1)33 (1)
Organ dysfunction
 Modified SOFA Score (median (IQR))6 (4–9)4 (3–6)
 Renal dysfunction§706 (78)1846 (64)
 Cardiovascular dysfunction§811 (90)1532 (53)
 Coagulation dysfunction§419 (46)1562 (54)
 Liver dysfunction§311 (34)822 (28)
 Respiratory dysfunction§337 (37)853 (29)
 Central nervous system dysfunction§166 (18)530 (18)
Transferred from other hospitals874 (97)2372 (84)
Duration of symptoms (median (IQR))2 (1–3)3 (1–5)
 ≤2 days505 (56)1191 (41)
 3–7 days362 (40)1488 (51)
 >7 days36 (4)224 (8)
Presenting clinical syndromes¶
 Septic shock687 (76)733 (25)
 Acute febrile illness206 (23)940 (32)
 Lower respiratory infection223 (25)890 (31)
 Sepsis225 (25)273 (9)
 Others13 (1)456 (16)
 Diarrheal illness150 (17)264 (9)
Direct admission to the ICU170 (19)128 (4)
Admission to the ICU within 24 hours of admission270 (29)370 (13)
Blood culture positive for pathogenic organisms175 (19)347 (12)
 2013N/A1047 (26)
 2014N/A1156 (29)
 2015369 (39)956 (24)
 2016556 (59)869 (21)
 201714 (1)22 (1)
  • Values are number (%) unless stated otherwise.

  • *SFT programme was implemented at the study hospital in January 2015.

  • †Nine hundred and three patients of the Ubon-sepsis cohort were enrolled in SFT programme after the implementation of the SFT programme (figure 1).

  • ‡Included 1636 and 1267 patients in the Ubon-sepsis cohort before and after the implementation of the SFT programme, respectively.

  • §Organ dysfunction defined as modified SOFA Score was ≥1 for each organ system.16

  • ¶Patients may have more than one presenting clinical syndrome.

  • ICU, intensive care unit; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.