Table 3

Prevalence of blood pressure above treatment goal according to the different hypertension management guidelines in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall cohort

Treatment targets for antihypertensive medication treatmentBlood pressure above treatment goal among participants already taking antihypertensive medication*, n (%, 95% CI)
JNC7 2003<140/90 mm Hg in all and <140/80 mm Hg in high cardiovascular risk patients949 (56.4, 54.0 to 58.8)
WHO/ISH 2003<140/90 mm Hg in all patients813 (48.1, 45.7 to 50.5)
ESH/ESC 2013<140/90 mm Hg in all and <140/85 mm Hg in patients with diabetes830 (49.1, 46.7 to 51.5)
ACC/AHA 2017<130/80 mm Hg in all and <130 mm Hg in community-living patients≥65 years1179 (69.7, 67.4 to 71.9)
ESC/ESH 2018<140/90 mm Hg in all patients813 (48.1, 45.7 to 50.5)
ISH 2020<140/90 mm Hg in all patients813 (48.1, 45.7 to 50.5)
  • *n=1691.

  • ACC, American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; ESH, European Society of Hypertension; JNC7, Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure 7; ISH, International Society of Hypertension.;