Table 1

Ratio of estimated age-standardised mortality rates comparing occupational categories with a baseline of managerial workers (SOC group 1) for (A) COVID-19-associated male and female deaths and (B) all-cause male and female deaths (including COVID-19). Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence.

1Managers, directors and senior officials (baseline)
2Professional occupations1.051.020.670.72
3Associate professional and technical occupations0.850.870.891.07
4Administrative and secretarial occupations0.951.141.651.61
5Skilled trade occupations1.602.061.392.18
6Caring, leisure and other service occupations1.881.772.131.98
7Sales and customer service occupations1.351.371.701.49
8Process, plant and machine operatives1.432.361.851.97
9Low-skilled elementary occupations1.531.662.552.77
  • Caution must be exercised in interpreting the values in table as they do not contain measures of uncertainty.

  • SOC, Standard Occupational Category.