Table 3

Knowledge and use of contraceptives among sexually active unmarried adolescent and young women aged 15–24

Contraceptive methodContraceptive useContraceptive knowledge
Age groupsAge groups
15–2415–1920–24P value15–2415–1920–24P value
Modern methods
 Female sterilisation0.
 Male sterilisation0. 0.020
 Intrauterine devices0.51.00.1 0.008 48.843.653.4 0.029
 Implants6. <0.001
 Pill5. 0.007
 Male condoms7.
 Female condoms0.
 Emergency contraception7. 0.001
 Lactational amenorrhoea0. 0.006
 Any modern method33.727.239.3 0.005 99.899.5100.0 0.049
Traditional methods
 Rhythm6. 0.002
 Withdrawal2. <0.001
 Any traditional method9. 0.002
Any contraceptive method (both modern and traditional methods)42.835.649.0 0.002 99.899.5100.0 0.049
  • P values <0.05 are highlighted in bold and italicised text.