Table 4

Associations between the most important worries reported during quarantine and depression and anxiety symptoms

Worried about isolationP valueWorried about infectionP valueWorried about family healthP valueWorried about financesP valueWorried about getting foodP value
GAD-7 score3.44.20.0723.34.30.0163.24.9<0.0013.64.00.2093.65.00.208
PHQ-9 score4.25.20.0244.35.10.1204.05.7<0.0014.54.70.5784.56.10.136
  • P values were adjusted for multiple comparison using the Holm-Bonferroni method.

  • GAD-7, seven-item Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire nine-item depression scale.