Table 1

Comparison of included and excluded participants

CharacteristicsIncluded (N=449 943)Excluded (N=52 550)
 Female240 976 (53.6%)32 402 (61.7%)
 Male208 967 (46.4%)20 148 (38.3%)
Average age (SD)56.5 (8.1)57.0 (7.8)
 Underweight2307 (0.5%)321 (0.6%)
 Healthy weight145 082 (32.3%)15 222 (29.7%)
 Overweight190 177 (42.4%)22 053 (43.1%)
 Obese110 541 (24.7%)13 600 (26.6%)
Central obesity*
 Not obese177 869 (39.6%)17 719 (34.5%)
 Central obesity271 126 (60.4%)33 642 (65.5%)
Ethnic background
 White424 213 (94.4%)47 901 (91.3%)
 Mixed2593 (0.6%)316 (0.6%)
 Asian8016 (1.8%)1823 (3.5%)
 Black7050 (1.6%)984 (1.9%)
 Chinese1407 (0.3%)167 (0.3%)
 Other ethnicity†6068 (1.4%)1267 (2.4%)
Tobacco smoking
 Non-smoker402 337 (89.6%)45 860 (88.3%)
 Current smoker46 793 (10.4%)6184 (11.9%)
Alcohol drinking status
 Never drink35 590 (7.9%)5071 (9.8%)
 Drink occasionally101 690 (22.7%)12 208 (23.5%)
 Drink weekly220 709 (49.2%)24 028 (46.2%)
 Drink daily90 984 (20.3%)10 713 (20.6%)
Vitamin and mineral supplementation use
 Vitamin D and associated mineral supplement‡285 524 (63.6%)31 097 (63.9%)
 Other vitamin and mineral supplement§163 214 (36.4%)17 537 (36.1%)
 Mean outdoor time in summer (SD)3.8 (2.4)3.8 (2.4)
 Mean outdoor time in winter (SD)1.9 (1.8)1.9 (1.8)
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)¶
 1 (Least deprived)88 516 (20.2%)9616 (18.7%)
 288 210 (20.1%)9782 (19.1%)
 387 584 (20.0%)10 249 (20.0%)
 487 585 (20%)10 306 (21.0%)
 5 (most deprived)86 539 (19.7%)11 370 (22.2%)
  • *The classification is suggested by NICE guidelines.

  • †Includes any other unlisted ethnic groups, unclear ethnic groups and participants prefer not to answer.

  • ‡Vitamin D and associated mineral: vitamin D, multivitamin, fish oil and calcium supplementation.

  • §Other vitamin and mineral supplements: vitamin A, B, C, E, folic acid or folate, glucosamine, zinc, iron, selenium and other supplements.

  • ¶IMD scores were by quintile.

  • BMI, body mass index; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.