Table 1

Key characteristics and time allocation of the rehabilitation domains

DomainKey characteristicsTime spent per session (minutes)
Outpatient componentHome component
StrengtheningStrengthening exercises performed in standing, sitting or lying with a focus on lower limb extensors and trunk muscles. Intensity of training based on a protocol designed for individuals with multiple sclerosis, with participants performing 3–5 sets of 6–12 repetitions at 6–15 repetition maximum.54 There will be a focus on maintaining correct movement patterns and eccentric control during all exercises. Physiotherapist-facilitated movement will be used if participants have insufficient muscle strength.3515
Postural controlPhysiotherapist-facilitated and independent performance of selective pelvic, trunk and scapular movements, as well as rotational control in the hydrotherapy pool. Upper limb movement with postural control will be included.2010
Functional mobilityPractice and part-practice of functional movements, such as walking and lying to sitting. The hydrotherapy pool will be used for dynamic walking practice, including turning and stopping.2010
Balance trainingDynamic and static standing for ambulant participants and dynamic and static sitting balance for non-ambulant participants. Differing surfaces (foam, wobble board, exercise ball or balance disc) used to add balance challenge.19 This domain will be completed on land and in the hydrotherapy pool.2015
Coordination and controlEccentric movement control in combination with whole-body movements17 and physiotherapist-facilitated movements of the lower limbs.155
Sensory stimulation, mobilising and stretchingSensory stimulation provided through active and passive foot and ankle mobilisation.55 Standing exercises will be completed barefoot to enhance somatosensory feedback. Passive mobilising and stretching provided and incorporated immediately into active and functional training.105