Table 2

Associations of basic attribute and lifestyle transition with poor subjective sleep quality in 2015 among men

VariablesPoor subjective sleep quality in 2015
PresentAbsentP value
(n=2949)(n=23 138)
Age (years), median (25–75 percentile)67 (63–72)68 (64–72)<0.001*
 Normal to normal1824 (11.4)14 237 (88.6)
 Underweight/overweight to normal86 (9.1)‡854 (90.9)†
 Underweight/normal/overweight to underweight101 (15.1)†569 (84.9)‡
 Underweight/normal/overweight to overweight938 (11.1)7478 (88.9)
 Absent to absent674 (11.7)5079 (88.3)
 Absent to present448 (11.9)3308 (88.1)
 Present to absent464 (12.2)†3328 (87.8)‡
 Present to present1363 (10.7)‡11 423 (89.3)†
 Absent to absent2522 (11.4)19 551 (88.6)
 Absent to present99 (10.8)820 (89.2)
 Present to absent72 (11.4)561 (88.6)
 Present to present256 (10.4)2206 (89.6)
 Absent to absent2195 (11.1)17 578 (88.9)
 Absent to present25 (10.3)218 (89.7)
 Present to absent67 (15.3)†371 (84.7)‡
 Present to present662 (11.8)4971 (88.2)
 Present to present718 (7.9)‡8353 (92.1)†
 Present to absent345 (13.1)†2282 (86.9)‡
 Absent to present264 (10.1)‡2340 (89.9)†
 Absent to absent1622 (13.8)†10 163 (86.2)‡
Physical activity<0.001*
 Present to present761 (8.1)‡8611 (91.9)†
 Present to absent456 (14.5)†2694 (85.5)‡
 Absent to present283 (9.5)‡2694 (90.5)†
 Absent to absent1449 (13.7)†9139 (86.3)‡
Supper time close to bedtime<0.001*
 Absent to absent1998 (10.8)‡16 551 (89.2)†
 Absent to present239 (11.5)1844 (88.5)
 Present to absent331 (14.3)†1990 (85.7)‡
 Present to present381 (12.2)2753 (87.8)
Drinking habits0.03*
 Absent to absent429 (11.9)3166 (88.1)
 Absent to present83 (13.0)555 (87.0)
 Present to absent96 (13.8)†598 (86.2)‡
 Present to present2341 (11.1)‡18 819 (88.9)†
Alcohol intake amount0.006*
 Moderate to moderate1036 (11.7)7831 (88.3)
 Moderate to binge227 (12.6)1570 (87.4)
 Binge to moderate243 (12.6)1687 (87.4)
 Binge to binge1443 (10.7)‡12 050 (89.3)†
  • Note: n (%).

  • *indicates statistical significance by chi-square test.

  • †Adjusted standardised residual >1.96.

  • ‡Adjusted standardised residual <-1.96.

  • BMI, body mass index.