Table 3

IM resident physicians’ mean scores on, factor loadings of and internal consistency reliability of the CD-RISC 10 (N=468)

ItemMean score (SD)Item loadingCronbach α
CD-RISC 10 overall (0–40)31.5 (6.1)0.93
1. Able to adapt to change3.29 (0.68)0.80
2. Can deal with whatever comes3.18 (0.74)0.82
3. Tries to see humorous side of problems3.19 (0.79)0.71
4. Coping with stress can strengthen me3.11 (0.79)0.72
5. Tend to bounce back after illness or hardship3.25 (0.76)0.83
6. Can achieve goals despite obstacles3.34 (0.71)0.82
7. Can stay focused under pressure3.03 (0.78)0.81
8. Not easily discouraged by failure2.74 (0.91)0.75
9. Thinks of self as strong person3.20 (0.78)0.83
10. Can handle unpleasant feeling3.19 (0.73)0.81
  • CD-RISC, connor-davidson resilience scale; IM, internal medicine.