Table 1

Characteristics of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development sample included in analysis*

MaleFemaleP value†
Back pain, N (%), at age
 36 years0.08
  No1283 (83.3)1256 (80.9)
  Yes257 (16.7)297 (19.1)
 43 years0.06
  No1106 (74.6)1042 (71.5)
  Yes377 (25.4)415 (28.6)
 53 years0.06
  No925 (69.4)903 (66.0)
  Yes407 (30.6)465 (34.0)
 60–64 years0.06
  No629 (72.1)643 (68.1)
  Yes243 (27.9)301 (31.9)
 68 years0.02
  No637 (74.1)635 (69.2)
  Yes223 (25.9)282 (30.8)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD), at age
 36 years24.8 (3.3)23.5 (4.1)<0.001
 43 years25.7 (3.5)25.1 (4.7)<0.001
 53 years27.4 (4.1)27.4 (5.4)0.85
 60–64 years27.9 (4.1)27.9 (5.5)0.99
 69 years28.1 (4.5)28.0 (5.6)0.93
Waist circumference (cm), mean (SD), at age
 36 years89.5 (9.3)76.9 (11.5)<0.001
 43 years91.8 (9.9)77.7 (11.2)<0.001
 53 years97.7 (10.9)85.8 (12.8)<0.001
 60–64 years100.8 (11.1)92.2 (13.0)<0.001
 69 years100.9 (12.3)92.1 (14.0)<0.001
  • *Maximum n=3426 (1723 males and 1703 females) (this includes participants with a valid measure of back pain, BMI, waist circumference and each covariate for at least one age). Number of participants contributing data at each age: 36 years, n=3093; 43 years, n=2940; 53 years, n=2700; 60–64 years, n=1816; 68–69 years, n=1777 (see online supplemental table S1) for more details).

  • †P value from formal tests of sex differences using χ2 and t-tests as appropriate.

  • BMI, body mass index; WC, waist circumference.