Table 1

Data extracted from each included study

Publication timelineEarliest search dateThe earliest date authors report searching the app stores.
Latest search dateIf app store searches were conducted over a period of time, the latest date authors report searching the app stores.
Updated search dateIf subsequent app store searches were performed, for example to update the initial search results, the latest date authors report conducting the updated search.
Submission dateDate of manuscript submission to journal.
Publication dateEarliest identified date at which the accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript is made available to the public—which may be an online-first/electronic preprint. Preprints prior to manuscript acceptance were not considered.
Dates imputedA Boolean variable coded as: FALSE if both the search date and publication date were specified precisely, or TRUE if either date was imputed. Imputation was based on the midpoint of the specified date range, for example if a search month is specified rather than a search date, then the 15th day of the month was the imputed search date.
Review parametersNumber of apps reviewedNumber of apps reported for analysis, after any screening or filtering for relevance.
Apps downloadedOrdinal variable coded as ‘no apps downloaded’ (eg, analysis was based on only app store metadata), ‘some apps downloaded’ (eg, a targeted or random sample), or ‘all apps downloaded’.
Apps recommendedA Boolean variable coded as: TRUE if individual apps were named and described in a manner which suggests or recommends their use, or FALSE otherwise.