Table 4

First peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) documented by emergency medical service professionals categorised by a paediatric triage model

First SpO2 and O2 treatment1234
0–2 months
n (%)51 (15.2)39 (11.6)72 (21.4)174 (51.8)
3–11 months
n (%)115 (13.8)139 (16.7)167 (20.0)413 (49.5)
1–2 years
n (%)342 (12.6)404 (14.9)817 (30.2)1143 (42.2)
3–7 years
n (%)201 (8.1)273 (11.0)607 (24.4)1410 (56.6)
8–17 years
Non-missing/N=13 261/15 251
n (%)507 (3.8)884 (6.7)2730 (20.6)9140 (68.9)
All ages
Non-missing/N=19 628/25 039
  • 1 (red): SpO2 <85% without O2 or SpO2 <90% with O2.

  • 2 (orange): SpO2 85%–92% without O2 or SpO2 90%–96% with O2.

  • 3 (yellow): SpO2 93%–94% without O2 or SpO2 ≥97% with O2.

  • 4 (green): SpO2 ≥95% without O2.

  • 1 (red): Life-threatening; 2 (orange): Urgent; 3 (yellow): Less urgent; 4 (green): Not urgent.

  • O2, oxygen.