Table 1

Utilisation of diagnostics

Patients sent for one or more diagnostic129(100)
Test completion and follow-up
 Diagnostic(s) done and returned for follow-up69(53)
 Diagnostic(s) done, but did not return for follow-up25(19)
 Diagnostic(s) not done35(27)
No of diagnostic tests ordered
 5 or more4(3)
Time from ordering of test to follow up
 <2 hours15(12)
 2–4 hours28(22)
 4–7 hours7(5)
 The next day12(9)
 2 days later8(2)
 No follow-up59(46)
Types of diagnostics ordered
 Blood tests
  Complete blood count71(55)
  Liver function tests15(12)
  Hormonal assays12(9)
  Widal (typhoid)3(2)
  Electrolyte tests3(2)
  Malaria rapid diagnostic test2(2)
  C reactive protein1(1)
  HBsAg (Hepatitis B)1(1)
  Other blood tests5(4)
 Urine tests
  Urine routine and microscopy*36(28)
  Renal function tests6(5)
  Urine culture5(4)
 X-ray (Chest)31(24)
 Stool routine and microscopy*7(5)
 Mantoux/CB-NAAT (tuberculosis)6(5)
  • *Routine urine and stool tests include the physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine or stool.

  • CB-NAAT, Cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification; HBsAg, Hepatitis B virus surface antigen.