Table 6

Cross-tabulation of the Swedevox registry population and control population in relation to national quality registries and mandatory governmental registries

Time periodLTOT n=25 797LTMV n=8111CPAP n=65 803Control group n=145 224Main variables
Swedish national quality registries
National quality registry for diabetes n=33 319 unique patients2 Jan 1997–4 Apr 20193002216015 10113 056Anthropometrics, biochemical analysis including HbA1c, physical activity, smoking and snuff habits, blood pressure, complications to diabetes (retinopathy, albuminuria, foot complications).
Swedish Rheumatology Quality Registry n=1584 unique patients20 Aug 2009–20 Jan 20209946630809Pharmaceuticals, diagnoses, inpatient care, specialised outpatient care, risk factors and follow-up data.
National quality registry for stroke n=9149 unique patients1 Jan 2001–31 Dec 2017105741221525528Pharmaceuticals, risk factors (atrial fibrillation, diabetes, smoking habits), length of hospitalisation, details about thrombolysis and medical investigation.
National quality registry for heart failure n=4712 unique patients9 Mar 2002–17 May 2019111945714601676Anthropometrics, pharmaceuticals, smoking habits, aetiology of heart failure, cardiovascular comorbidities, NYHA function class, ultrasonographic findings, cardiac implantable electronic device therapy.
National quality registry for acute infarction n=23 164 unique patients23 Jan 1991–17 Dec 201843941263647011 037Anthropometrics, pharmaceuticals, smoking and snuff habits, medical history, biochemical analysis, reperfusion therapy, electrical devices, stress test, echocardiography, CPAP therapy, length of hospitalisation.
National quality registry for intensive care n=14 700 unique patients1 Jan 2008–19 Mar 20193604243637764884Level of hospital (primary, secondary or tertiary), duration of hospitalisation, time of discharge, operation (Y/N, elective/acute), discharged alive (Y/N), diagnosis, decision to forego life-sustaining therapy (Y/N), mechanical ventilation (Y/N), cardiovascular, hepatic, gastroenterological, neurological, renal, respiratory, haematological, metabolic, traumatic or other reason for ICU care.
Swedish governmental registries
National Cancer Registry n=38 291 cancer diagnosis5 Jan 1987–31 Dec 201749841355690425 048Date and ICD number of cancer diagnosis.
National Cause of Death Registry n=60 763 deaths1 Jan 1996–31 Dec 201823 5734970278629 434Date of death, primary cause of death, contributing cause(s) of death.
National Patient Registry
Inpatient registry n=9 52 348 care events1 Jan 1987–31 Dec 2017288 024103 641143 198417 485Date of hospitalisation and discharge, hospital code, main diagnosis, secondary diagnosis(is), surgical diagnosis(es).
Outpatient registry n=3 736 276 visits1 Jan 2001–31 Dec 2017388 501264 8731 100 0011 982 901Date of visit, hospital code, main diagnosis, secondary diagnosis(es), surgical diagnosis.
National Prescribed Drugs Registry n=14 519 303 drug prescriptions14 March 2005–31 Dec 20181 727 676911 1684 650 2037 230 256Prescription date, expedition date, ATC-code, information about all dispensed prescriptions, cost.
National Dental Health Registry n=2 869 575 visits1 Jul 2008–30 Dec 201874 46851 812982 6151 760 684Date of visit, number of intact and remaining teeth.
  • Time period is 5 years prior to inclusion into the Swedevox registry until end of study period.

  • ATC-code, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; ICD, International Classification of Disease; ICU, intensive care unit; LTMV, long-term mechanical ventilation; LTOT, long-term oxygen therapy; NYHA, New York Heart Association.