Table 1

Study questionnaire and procedures calendar

PrescreeningScreeningVisit 1 (T0)Visit 2 (3 weeks)Visit 3 (8 weeks)Visit 4 (12 weeks)Visit 5 (26 weeks)Visit 6 (52 weeks)
Visit labelV0V1V2V3V4V5V6
Time (weeks)T-2 weekT-1 weekT03w8w12 w26 w52 w
Window±1 w±1 w±1 w±2 w±2 w±2 w±2 w±2 w
Short informationFlyerX
Screening for inclusionScreening (verification)X
Presentation of the studyInformation formX
Signature of informed consentConsent formX
Allocation to treatment armX
DemographicsSociodemographic dataDemographicX
Sociodemographic dataDemographic shortA,(B)A,(B)XXX
Medical and psychometricsMedical historyHealth historyX
New diagnoses, treatment changeHealth history shortA,C,(B)A,C,(B)XXX
Quality of life specific for diabetesADDQOLX
DiabetesDiabetes historyDiabetes historyX
New diabetes complications, diabetes treatment changesDiabetes History shortA,C,(B)A,C,(B)XXX
The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care ActivitiesSDSCAXXXX
SmokingSmoking historySmoking historyX
Smoking status and treatmentSmoking history short (NUI)A,C,(B)A,C,(B)XXX
Dependance scaleCDS-12XXX
Reasons to smokeMRSSXXX
Withdrawal symptomsCWSXA*,B*,C*A*,B*,C*XXX
Physical activityPhysical activityIPAQXX
NutritionFood Frequency QuestionnaireFFQXX
Gender and psychosocialPerceived Stress ScalePSSXXX
Gender Composite measure (GENESIS-PRAXY)BEM+ESSIX
Everyday discrimination scaleEDSXX
Physical examinationVital signsBP, pulsXA,CA,CXXX
Anthropometric measuresWeight, height, WCXA,C,(B)A,C,(B)XXX
Exhaled CO measureCOXA,CA,CXXX
LaboratoryGlycated haemoglobinHbA1cXXXX
Lipid profileChol tot, HDL, LDL, triglyceridesXXXX
Microalbuminuria (alb/creat)XXXX
Fasting glucoseXA*, C*A*, C*XXX
Metabolic cohortMicrobiota (n=80)CCCC
Serious adverse events (SAE)AE/SAEXA,C,(B)A,C,(B)XXX
  • X=group A+B, A=group A (intervention), B=group B (control), (B)=group B (control) by phone, C=microbiota cohort.

  • DIPCare: Deprivation in primary care using the French-validated DiPCare-Q94 SF-12: quality of life95 ADDQoL: Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life96 PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire for depression86 97 PHQ-15 for somatic symptoms86 97 GAD-7: Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale97

  • Hypoglycaemia: We will use the classification proposed by the American Diabetes Association to categorise hypoglycaemia.98 Severe hypoglycaemia is defined as ‘an event requiring assistance of another person to actively administer carbohydrate, glucagons or other resuscitative actions’. Documented symptomatic hypoglycaemia is defined as ‘an event during which typical symptoms of hypoglycaemia are accompanied by a measured plasma glucose concentration ≤3.9 mmol/L’. Asymptomatic hypoglycaemia is defined as an event not accompanied by typical symptoms of hypoglycaemia but with a measured plasma glucose concentration ≤3.9 mmol/L’. Finally, probable symptomatic hypoglycaemia is defined as ‘an event during which symptoms of hypoglycaemia are not accompanied by a plasma glucose determination’.

  • SEM-CD fv: Self-Efficacy to Manage Chronic Disease Scale-French version99 SDSCA: Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities85 NUI: Nicotine Use Inventory100 CDS-12: Cigarette Dependence Scale-12101 MRSS: Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale59 CWS: Cigarette Withdrawal Scale102 SEQ-12: Smoking Self-Efficacy Questionnaire103 IPAQ: International Physical Activity Questionnaire104 105 FFQ: Food Frequency Questionnaire validated for the French-speaking part of Switzerland106 PSS: Perceived Stress Scale107 GENESIS-PRAXY: gender composite score108 BEM: BEM Sex Role Inventory ESSI: ENRICHED Social Support Instrument109 EDS: Everyday Discrimination Scale.83

  • *Self-assessed at home byparticipants, red=primaryoutcome measures, green=secondaryoutcome measures, blue=exploratoryoutcome measures.

  • AE, adverse events; Alb/creat, urinary albumin:creatinine ratio; BP, blood pressure; Chol tot., total cholesterol; CO, carbon monoxide; HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HsCRP, high-sensitivity C reactive protein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; WC, waist circumference.