Table 2

Thematic structure

Inductive codesPreliminary/subthemesFinal themes
Not understanding procedures or prescriptionsDismiss symptomsNegative experiences with healthcare provider
Never formally diagnosedRelationships
Variability in doctor treatmentCommunication
Prescribing painkillers
Comfort with female doctors
Seeing family/usual GP
Seeing different GPs
Trust in care
Knowledge of causes of AUBNormal menstruationGynaecological health literacy
Knowledge of treatments availableKnowledge of treatments
Knowledge that AUB is something to be checked—ignoring/normalising symptoms
What is normal bleeding?
Unable to relate to friends experiencesSelf-doubtAUB as a legitimate health concern
Doubting symptomsNormalisation
Lived with AUB throughout life, dealt with itPrioritising others
Expectations of hospital visit
Looking after family/children
Work deadlines
Ability to take time off work
Ability to make it to appointments
Emotion (heightened)FearTaboo
Scared of pain (IUD)Impact on life
Scared of doctorsEmbarrassment
Impact on quality of life
Embarrassed about bleeding through clothes
Embarrassed about talking about bleeding (friends or colleagues)
Relationships with partners
  • AUB, abnormal uterine bleeding; GP, general practitioner; IUD, intrauterine device.