Variable | Label | Single long-term condition n (weighted %) | Two long-term conditions n (weighted %) | Three long-term conditions n (weighted %) | Four long-term conditions n (weighted %) | Five or more long-term conditions n (weighted %) | Row total n (weighted %) |
Gender | Male | 41 395 (50.0) | 25 678 (50.3) | 14 738 (51.5) | 7059 (50.0) | 5155 (53.4) | 94 025 (50.4) |
Gender | Female | 48 969 (50.0) | 28 369 (49.7) | 15 424 (48.5) | 7502 (50.0) | 4861 (46.6) | 105 125 (49.6) |
Age band | 16−24 | 3767 (9.0) | 1030 (5.1) | 312 (3.1) | 83 (1.9) | 45 (1.1) | 5237 (6.5) |
Age band | 25−34 | 6531 (14.3) | 1660 (7.5) | 571 (5.2) | 179 (3.6) | 71 (2.2) | 9012 (10.2) |
Age band | 35−44 | 10 112 (16.0) | 3182 (10.4) | 1114 (7.1) | 379 (5.3) | 197 (4.1) | 14 984 (12.3) |
Age band | 45−54 | 18 024 (21.8) | 7516 (18.4) | 3088 (15.1) | 1229 (13.2) | 751 (11.9) | 30 608 (19.2) |
Age band | 55−64 | 22 236 (19.3) | 12 847 (21.9) | 6358 (20.9) | 2850 (19.9) | 2051 (22.0) | 46 342 (20.3) |
Age band | 65−74 | 19 841 (13.0) | 16 122 (20.8) | 9474 (23.9) | 4339 (23.6) | 2767 (22.1) | 52 543 (17.4) |
Age band | 75−84 | 7987 (5.2) | 8974 (11.5) | 6700 (16.8) | 3672 (19.9) | 2676 (21.5) | 30 009 (9.9) |
Age band | 85 or over | 1866 (1.5) | 2716 (4.3) | 2545 (7.9) | 1830 (12.6) | 1458 (15.1) | 10 415 (4.3) |
Ethnicity | Asian | 3576 (4.4) | 1699 (3.5) | 828 (2.9) | 396 (2.4) | 344 (3.3) | 6843 (3.8) |
Ethnicity | Black | 1463 (1.8) | 714 (1.3) | 336 (1.1) | 172 (1.1) | 119 (1.1) | 2804 (1.5) |
Ethnicity | Mixed | 795 (1.2) | 337 (0.9) | 161 (0.7) | 84 (0.6) | 56 (0.6) | 1433 (1.0) |
Ethnicity | Other | 723 (0.9) | 347 (0.8) | 217 (0.8) | 105 (0.8) | 94 (0.9) | 1486 (0.9) |
Ethnicity | White | 83 807 (91.7) | 50 950 (93.5) | 28 620 (94.6) | 13 804 (95.1) | 9403 (94.1) | 186 584 (92.8) |
Deprivation quintile | 1 (Most deprived) | 14 860 (18.3) | 10 169 (20.1) | 6612 (23.1) | 3752 (26.5) | 3068 (31.4) | 38 461 (20.4) |
Deprivation quintile | 2 | 16 307 (18.9) | 10 112 (19.4) | 5902 (20.3) | 3045 (21.2) | 2150 (21.1) | 37 516 (19.4) |
Deprivation quintile | 3 | 19 451 (20.5) | 11 480 (20.8) | 6292 (20.0) | 2866 (18.7) | 1927 (18.9) | 42 016 (20.3) |
Deprivation quintile | 4 | 20 264 (21.3) | 11 687 (20.5) | 6148 (19.5) | 2702 (18.0) | 1673 (16.1) | 42 474 (20.4) |
Deprivation quintile | 5 (Least deprived) | 19 482 (21.0) | 10 599 (19.2) | 5208 (17.1) | 2196 (15.6) | 1198 (12.5) | 38 683 (19.3) |
Employment status | Employed | 46 808 (60.6) | 17 905 (41.3) | 5943 (25.4) | 1674 (14.9) | 555 (6.8) | 72 885 (46.1) |
Employment status | Not in employment | 43 556 (39.4) | 36 142 (58.7) | 24 219 (74.6) | 12 887 (85.1) | 9461 (93.2) | 126 265 (53.9) |
Frailty (mobility) | No | 78 274 (87.6) | 39 985 (74.6) | 17 727 (59.2) | 6431 (43.6) | 2788 (27.1) | 145 205 (75.5) |
Frailty (mobility) | Yes | 12 090 (12.4) | 14 062 (25.4) | 12 435 (40.8) | 8130 (56.4) | 7228 (72.9) | 53 945 (24.5) |
Frailty (falls) | No | 88 743 (98.3) | 52 061 (96.6) | 28 285 (93.7) | 13 048 (89.4) | 8303 (82.8) | 190 440 (96.1) |
Frailty (falls) | Yes | 1621 (1.7) | 1986 (3.4) | 1877 (6.3) | 1513 (10.6) | 1713 (17.2) | 8710 (3.9) |
Frailty (isolation) | No | 84 947 (91.4) | 49 448 (88.1) | 26 331 (83.4) | 12 125 (79.2) | 7634 (71.6) | 180 485 (88.0) |
Frailty (isolation) | Yes | 5417 (8.6) | 4599 (11.9) | 3831 (16.6) | 2436 (20.8) | 2382 (28.4) | 18 665 (12.0) |
Activities of daily living | Yes, a lot | 9888 (11.5) | 11 263 (22.1) | 10 457 (36.6) | 7271 (51.8) | 6845 (70.1) | 45 724 (22.3) |
Activities of daily living | Yes, a little | 32 460 (38.4) | 23 982 (45.5) | 13 919 (45.7) | 5959 (39.5) | 2847 (26.8) | 79 167 (40.8) |
Activities of daily living | No, not at all | 48 016 (50.1) | 18 802 (32.4) | 5786 (17.7) | 1331 (8.7) | 324 (3.1) | 74 259 (36.9) |
Practice size | 1 (Smallest) | 3717 (1.1) | 2414 (1.2) | 1446 (1.3) | 748 (1.4) | 566 (1.5) | 8891 (1.2) |
Practice size | 2 | 19 173 (9.8) | 11 658 (10.0) | 6651 (10.3) | 3255 (10.6) | 2391 (11.4) | 43 128 (10.1) |
Practice size | 3 | 21 207 (17.4) | 12 845 (17.9) | 7060 (17.6) | 3456 (18.4) | 2319 (18.3) | 46 887 (17.6) |
Practice size | 4 | 17 595 (20.2) | 10 396 (19.8) | 5852 (20.2) | 2780 (19.9) | 1913 (21.2) | 38 536 (20.1) |
Practice size | 5 | 14 191 (20.7) | 8283 (20.3) | 4473 (20.0) | 2099 (19.9) | 1434 (20.1) | 30 480 (20.4) |
Practice size | 6 | 12 205 (23.5) | 7116 (23.1) | 3949 (23.6) | 1880 (22.8) | 1157 (20.6) | 26 307 (23.3) |
Practice size | 7 (Largest) | 2276 (7.3) | 1335 (7.7) | 731 (7.0) | 343 (7.0) | 236 (6.9) | 4921 (7.3) |