Table 3

Ideas, interests and institutions at play in the three policy cases

PPL (economic and social policy)TPP (trade policy)NTER (social and welfare reform)
Ideas (frames)Neoliberalism, sexism, economic productivity, ‘the business case’, gender equality, maternal and child health, population growthNeoliberalism, economic growth, investor rights, public interest, state sovereignty, access to medicinesRacism, social conservatism, whiteness, Aboriginal self-determination, land rights
Interests (actors and coalitions)Women’s organisations, trade unions, public servants, politicians, academic experts, industry groups, socially conservative organisations, social justice groups, public health and women’s health organisationsPublic servants, politicians, industry groups, civil society organisations, public health networks, academic expertsPublic servants, politicians, Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, medical associations, civil society groups
Institutions (policy legacies, norms and rules)Policy legacy: Australia’s ‘wage-earner’ welfare state
Incentives and rules in the industrial relations policy settings
Alternative incentives and rules in the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and Productivity Commission
Policy legacy: rules for consultation and engagement in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Policy legacy: norms for publicly funded healthcare in Medicare
Policy legacy: colonisation and history of dispossession of Aboriginal people
  • NTER, Northern Territory Emergency Response; PPL, Paid Parental Leave; TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership.