Table 3

The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 (QUADAS-2) for included studies

StudiesPatient selectionIndex testReference standardFlow and timingScores
Echevarria et al26YYULowYYLowYULowYYYLow12
Shi et al27YYYLowYUUnclearYULowUYYLow10
Bastidas et al30UYUUnclearYUUnclearYULowYYYLow8
Shafuddin et al31UYYUnclearYUUnclearYULowYYNHigh7
Bisquera and Cruz32UYUUnclearYULowYULowYYUUnclear7
Mantilla et al33UYUUnclearYULowYULowYYYLow9
Sangwan et al34YYYUnclearYULowYULowYYUUnclear9
Xu et al35UNYHighNUHighYNHighUYYUnclear4
Parras et al36UYYUnclearYULowYULowUYYLow9
Shi 2016UYYUnclearYULowYYLowUYYLow10
Yousif and El Wahsh37UYYUnclearYUUnclearYULowUYYLow8
Echevarria et al28YYYLowYULowYYLowYYYLow13
Zidan et al10YYYUnclearYULowYULowYYYLow12
Collier et al38UYUUnclearYULowYULowUYUUnclear6
Rabbani and Brammer39UYUUnclearUUUnclearYULowUYYLow6
Nafae 2014YYYLowYULowYULowYYYLow12
Steer et al6 8YYYLowYUUnclearYULowYYYLow11
  • QUADAS-2 criteria: (1) Was a consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled? (2) Was a case–control design avoided? (3) Did the study avoid inappropriate exclusions? (4) Could the selection of patients have introduced bias? (5) Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? (6) If a threshold was used, was it prespecified? (7) Could the conduct or interpretation of the index test have introduced bias? (8) Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition? (9) Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index tests? (10) Could the reference standard, its conduct, or its interpretation have introduced bias? (11) Was there an appropriate interval between index test and reference standard? (12) Did all patients receive the same reference standard? (13) Were all patients included in the analysis? (14) Could the patient flow have introduced bias?

  • N, No, represents negative answer for the corresponding question; U, Unclear, that is, the information provided in the individual studies was insufficient to answer the corresponding question; Y, Yes, represents certain answer for the corresponding question.