Table 3

Results for each outcome in the included studies

Author(s) and
Study durationCaries incidenceSealant retentionFluoride uptakeAdverse events (irreversible dental pulpitis)Other outcomes
Brugnera et al 19972048 monthsPermanent teeth (a) CO2 laser alone vs untreated teeth: caries incidence reduction of 11% (RR=0.89 (95% CI: 0.40–1.97), p=0.77), not statistically relevant difference and (b) CO2 laser+sealants vs untreated teeth: caries incidence reduction of 78% (RR=0.22 (95% CI: 0.05–0.94), p=0.02), statistically relevant differencePermanent teeth
CO2 laser etching+acid etching vs acid etching: sealant drops-out reduction of 37%(RR=0.63 (95% CI: 0.38–1.04), p=0.059), not statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Durmus et al 201718 monthsPermanent teeth
Er:YAG laser+sealants vs sealants: caries incidence reduction of 56% (RR=0.44 (95% CI: 0.20–0.97), p=0.03), statistically relevant difference
Permanent teeth
Er:YAG laser etching+acid etching vs acid etching: sealant drops-out reduction of 46% (RR=0.54 (95% CI: 0.34–0.87), p=0.01), statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Goodis et al 2004221 monthNo episodes of irreversible dental pulpitis (n=0/96 irradiated teeth) when CO2 laser was usedCost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Karaman et al 20132324 monthsPermanent teeth
Er,Cr:YSGG laser etching vs acid etching: sealant drops-out reduction of 13%(RR=0.87 (95% CI: 0.37–2.06); p=0.75), not statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: Er,Cr:YSGG laser vs sealants, not statistically relevant difference was found (measured with VAS);
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Kumar et al 20162412 monthsPermanent teeth
Er,Cr:YSGG laser etching vs acid etching: same number of sealant drops-out (n=78/100) not statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Nammour et al 2003 and 200525 261 week
6 months
Permanent teeth
Laser+1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel vs 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride: enamel fluoride uptake increased four times (ANOVA tests=95%, p<0.0001; R2=0.9751—Bartlett’s statistic corrected=134 and p<0.0001) not statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Raucci-Neto et al 20152712 monthsPrimary teeth
Nd:YAG laser vs untreated teeth: caries incidence reduction of 70% (RR=0.30 (95% CI: 0.11 to 0.78)), statistically relevant difference
Sealants vs untreated teeth caries incidence reduction of 33% (RR=0.67 (95% CI: 0.35 to 1.26), p=0.19), not statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Walsh 19962818 monthsPermanent teeth
CO2 laser etching vs acid etching: sealant drops-out reduction of 61%(RR=0.39 (95% CI: 0.07 to 2.05), p=0.24), not statistically relevant difference
No episodes of irreversible dental pulpitis (n=0/96 irradiated teeth) when CO2 laser was usedCost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
Zezell et al 20092912 monthsPermanent teeth
Nd:YAG laser+1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel vs 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel: caries incidence reduction of 61%(RR=0.39 (95% CI: 0.22 to 0.71), p=0.001), statistically relevant difference
Cost effectiveness: not described;
patients’ discomfort: not reported;
duration of treatment: no comparison was made between the intervention and control groups
  • ANOVA, ANalysis Of VAriance; Er,Cr:YSGG, erbium, chromium: yttrium scandium gallium garnet; Er:YAG, erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet; Nd:YAG, neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet; RR, risk ratio; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.