Author(s) and year | Type of study | Country | Participants (n) | Teeth (n) | Age (years) | Gender (n) | Setting |
Brugnera et al 199720 | CCT split-mouth design | Brazil | 28 | 112 permanent first molars | 6–11 | Not reported | Not reported |
Durmus et al 201721 | RCT split-mouth design | Turkey | 51 | 204 permanent first molars | 7–10 | 27 males 24 females | University Paediatric Dental Clinic |
Goodis et al 200422 | RCT split-mouth design | USA | 24 | 74 erupted upper and lower third molars | 21–34 | 11 males 13 females | University Dental Clinic |
Karaman et al 201323 | RCT split-mouth design | Turkey | 16 | 112 teeth (63 molars and 49 premolars) | 20–23 | 1 male 15 females | University Dental Clinic |
Kumar et al 201624 | RCT split-mouth design | India | 50 | 200 permanent first molars | 6–12 | Not reported | University Paediatric Dental Clinic |
Nammour et al 2003 and 200525 26 | RCT split-mouth design | Belgium | 12 | 98 unspecified anterior permanent teeth | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported |
Raucci-Neto et al 201527 | RCT split-mouth design | Brazil | 35 | 416 first and second primary molars | 7–8 | Not reported | University Paediatric Dental Clinic |
Walsh 199628 | RCT split-mouth design | Australia | 20 | 170 permanent molars and premolars | 15–38 | 13 males 7 females | University Preventive Dental Clinic |
Zezell et al 200929 | CCT split-mouth design | Brazil | 33 | 242 premolars and lower molars | 7–15 | Not reported | University Paediatric Dental Clinic |
CCT, controlled clinical trial; RCT, randomised controlled trial.