Table 4

Programme staffing costs in 2016 Canadian dollars

Total staffing costs as implemented during RCT (5 sites)Potential staffing costs for a future site with 2 buildingsPotential staffing costs for a future site with 4 buildings
Additional paramedic staff*
Number of buildings implementing CP@clinic1324
Cost of additional paramedic staff per year (50 weeks, hourly salary including benefits ranged from $50.33 to $54.99 per hour)
  •  Actual: as implemented during the trial

$31 130
  •  Minimum: two paramedics on modified duties

  •  Moderate: one funded CP, one paramedic on modified duties

$21 996$43 992
  •  Maximum: two funded CPs

$43 992$87 984
Additional supervision and administration
Cost of additional supervisory and administrative staff hours per year (50 weeks)
  •  Actual: as implemented during the trial

$32 522
  •  Minimum: 1 hour per week

  •  Moderate: 1.5 hours per week

  •  Maximum: 2 hours per week

$10 998$10 998
Other staffing (programme evaluation, data repository, training development)
Cost of other staffing ($3000/year base cost)
  •  Actual: as implemented during the trial

  •  Minimum: funded entirely from external source or in-kind

  •  Moderate: 50/50 mixed funding model

  •  Maximum: funded entirely by the paramedic service

  •  Actual costs during RCT (five sites)

$63 652
  •  Minimum assumption scenarios (one site)

  •  Moderate assumption scenarios (one site)

$31 745$53 741
  •  Maximum assumption scenarios (one site)

$57 990$101 982
  • *Paramedic staff funded specifically for the community paramedicine role and not on modified duty.

  • CP, community paramedic; CP@clinic, Community Paramedicine at Clinic programme; RCT, randomised controlled trial.