Table 3

Direct programme costs in Canadian dollars (excluding staffing)

ItemSourceCost per site ($C in 2016)
SpaceHousing authority of each communityIn-kind
Vehicle incl. fuel and maintenanceParamedic service of each community10 000
Information technology supports and overheadsMcMaster University, DFM IT500
Database softwareMcMaster University, DFM IT235
YubiKeyMcMaster University, DFM IT53
Printing and materials (eg, posters, flyers, BP record card)McMaster University Media Services253
Session equipment
 LaptopMcMaster University, DFM IT726
 Weighing scaleMedical supply vendor240
 Tape measureMedical supply vendor5
 BP machine (WatchBP Office)Medical supply vendor750
 Glucometer, lancets, swabs, bandagesParamedic service of each community150
 Carry bagOffice supply vendor50
Direct programme costs per community12 962
Total direct programme costs for all five RCT study sites64 810
  • BP, blood pressure; DFM IT, Department of Family Medicine - Information Technology team; RCT, randomised controlled trial.