Table 1

Proposed awareness tests created for this protocol and their correspondence to the traditional tests with the aim of finding their convergent validity

Evaluated functionAwareness ADL protocol proposed: ecological tools and variables used in the analysisTraditional tests and variables used in the analysis
Offline component
MetacognitionThe cog-awareness ADL scale
Discrepancy Index: The difference resulting from the score (cognitive functional error) obtained from the family member or caregiver minus the score obtained by the patient for these variables:
  • (1) A total index result of the average of the scores of all items.

  • Based on a previous study with this scale,42 an average of the scores of the items for (2) BADL (personal cleanliness, getting dressed), (min: 1-max: 4) and (3) IADL (cooking and managing finances/shopping) will be made, (min: 1-max: 4).

Patient Competency Rating Scale
  1. Discrepancy Index: The difference resulting from the score obtained from the family member or caregiver minus the score obtained by the patient in the following subsections:

    • ADL (min: −32, max: 32)

    • Cognitive (min: −32, max: 32)

    • Interpersonal (min: −28, max: 28)

    • Emotional (min: −28, max: 28)

Online component
Emergent awareness self-regulationThe awareness ADL
Classification errors based on previous studies39 45:
  • Omissions: There is no necessary step to complete the task. Example: After having spread the butter on the toast, the patient does not spread the jam. (Min 0-max 30)

  • Substitutions: The patient substitutes an object with another one or a part of his/her body with an object (eg, he/she spreads the butter using the spoon). (Min 0-No Max).

  • Additions: The patient adds a step using a target object that is not necessary to perform the task, which involves loss of effectiveness but does not interfere with the task. Example: while the bread is being toasted, he/she removes it from the toaster and puts it back in. (Min 0-No Max).

  • Visuoconstructive/visuospatial failure: Failure to manipulate an object in space and/or with respect to the body. Example: the patient puts the juice maker upside down. (Min 0-No Max).

  • Repetitions: The patient repeats a step of the task already completed by inserting another step or action. Example: he/she pours a teaspoon of sugar in the glass, pours the orange juice and takes a second teaspoon of sugar. (Min 0-No Max).

  • Perseverations: The patient repeats an action within a step, when it has already been completed. Example: he/she keeps squeezing an orange when juice no longer comes out. (min 0-no max).

  • Sequence failure: The steps of the task are performed in an illogical order. Example: the patient first spreads the butter and jam on the bread and then puts the toast in the toaster. (Min 0-No Max).

  • Tangential actions: Actions that are carried out with distracting objects to perform another task that is not the target task. Example: the patient performs one of the steps to make a coffee. (Min 0-Max 19).

  • Manipulations: The patient touches an object with no intention of using it to perform an action or a step of the task. Manipulations that are made to organise the space on the table are excluded. (Min 0-No Max).

Monitoring capacity (based on34)
  1. Detected errors (%): It will be calculated from the total errors detected divided by the total errors made. Both errors caused spontaneously and those induced by situations of conflict are considered. (Min 0-max 100).The errors detected can be categorised as any of these four types:

    • Error detected without correction attempts: An error made is verbalised to acknowledge that something is wrong (eg, ‘Oops’, ‘I was wrong’, ‘This does not work’) but the patient does not try to solve the error. (Min 0-No Max).

    • Error detected with inefficient solution attempts. An error is made, it is detected and the patient tries to solve it without success or using too much time to solve it. (Min 0-No Max).

    • Error detected and corrected effectively: An error is made, it is detected and it is successfully solved. (Min 0-No Max).

    • Anticipated and solved conflict situation. The conflict situation is solved immediately before starting an action with the object involved. (Min 0-Max 8).

  2. Corrected errors (%): Sum of the spontaneous errors and conflict situations corrected effectively (or anticipated conflict situations), divided by the total number of errors and conflict situations detected. The errors solved effectively and the situations of conflict resolved with anticipation will be considered as corrected (for instance, before starting the activity, the patient detects that the juice maker is unplugged and then plugs it). (Min 0-Max 100).

Weekly calendar planning activity (Level I version A)
  1. Number of strategies used (min 0- no max)

  2. Self-recognition errors: if the patient attempted to correct an error during testing, verbalised acknowledgement of an error during testing, or reported the error following the completion of the task. (Min 0- Max 10)

Online awareness phonetic fluency test.
  1. Sum of perseverations and intrusions in the task divided by the total number of attempts. (Min 0-No Max).

Anticipatory AwarenessAnticipatory awareness questionnaire
  1. Discrepancy index calculated from the score of the Likert scale (0–4) obtained from the score of the same Likert scale given by the patient before performing the task minus the actual performance. (Min: −4-Max:4)

Self-evaluationAwareness questionnaire
  1. Discrepancy index calculated from the participant’s self-appraisal score in the post-performance Likert scale minus the actual performance. (Min: −4-Max:4)

Auditory verbal learning test
  1. Short-term: Total no of words recalled in the short term in the five trials. (Min 0-Max 75).

Updating proccesesAwareness questionnaire
  1. Discrepancy index calculated from the score of the Likert scale at 25–30 min after minus the participant’s self-appraisal score in the post-performance Likert scale (0–4). (Min: −4-Max:4)

Auditory verbal learning test
  1. Long term: No of words remembered after 20 min. (Min 0-Max 15).

  • ADL, activities of daily living; BADL, basic ADL; IADL, instrumental ADL.