Table 1

Characteristics of patient survey respondents

Patient characteristicsStudies 1 and 2Study 3Study 4
October 2016 to February 2017August to October 2017July to September 2017
Total (n=439)BIDMC (n=285)Geisinger (n=154)UW (n=500)Geisinger (n=250)
Age (years), mean (SD)n/a56.5 (14.2)n/a53.6 (17.2)59.45 (14.7)
Female, n (%)n/a184 (64.6)n/a332 (66.4)163 (65.2)
Male, n (%)n/a101 (35.4)n/a168 (33.6)87 (34.8)
Education, n (%)435 (99.0)284 (99.6)151 (98.1)481 (96.2)226 (90.4)
 High school/some college161 (36.7)58 (20.3)103 (68.9)156 (31.2)148 (59.2)
 4-year college or higher274 (62.4)226 (79.3)48 (31.2)325 (65.0)78 (31.2)
 Missing4 (0.009)1 (0.004)3 (0.02)19 (3.8)24 (9.6)
General health, n (%)437 (99.5)285 (65.2)152 (98.7)478 (95.6)227 (90.8)
 Good-excellent365 (83.1)246 (86.3)119 (77.3)384 (76.8)173 (76.2)
 Fair-poor72 (16.4)39 (13.7)33 (21.4)94 (18.8)54 (21.6)
 Missing2 (0.005)02 (0.01)22 (0.04)23 (9.2)
  • n/a denotes data not available for Geisinger sample (n=154).

  • BIDMC, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; UW, University of Washington Medicine.