Table 3

Respiratory failure and outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease, depending on ACEi and ARBs exposure

Patients with COVID-19 (n=412)
CVD no (n=205)CVD yes (n=207)P valueCVD yes (n=207)
ACEi no (n=154)ACEi yes (n=53)P valueARBs no (n=147)ARBs yes (n=60)P value
PaO2/FiO2 at admission307.5 (180–381)206.5 (123–305)<0.0001203 (127–319)228 (113–290)0.62201.5 (118.0–285.5)285.5 (135–343)0.01
RF at admission, n (%)125 (61.0)174 (84.1)<0.0001129 (83.8)45 (84.9)0.85128 (87.1)46 (76.7)0.06
CPAP at admission, n (%)16 (7.8)24 (11.6)0.1920 (13.0)4 (7.6)0.2917 (11.6)7 (11.7)0.98
CPAP in-hospital, n (%)76 (37.1)100 (48.3)0.0275 (48.7)25 (47.2)0.8571 (48.3)29 (48.3)1.00
In-hospital mortality, n (%)32 (15.6)72 (34.8)<0.000153 (34.4)19 (35.9)0.8558 (39.5)14 (23.3)0.03
Intubation, n (%)23 (11.2)13 (6.3)0.089 (5.8)4 (7.6)0.749 (6.1)4 (6.7)1.00
  • Data are reported as frequencies or medians (IQR).

  • ACEi, ACE inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; FiO2, fraction of inhaled oxygen; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen.