Table 2

Derivation of preferred specifications for public health expenditure, 2013/2014

All causes
2013/2014 PH spend
SYLLR 2013/2014/2015
Outcome model
Instrument PH spend
IV second stage
Full specification
All causes
2013/2014 PH spend
SYLLR 2013/14/15
Outcome model
Instrument PH spend
IV second stage
Derived specification
All causes
2013/2014 PH & PB spend
SYLLR 2013/14/15
Outcome model
Instrument PH&PB spend
IV second stage
Full specification
Backward selection
All causes
2013/2014 PH & PB spend
SYLLR 2013/14/15
Outcome model
Instrument PH&PB spend
IV second stage
Derived specification
Backward selection
All causes
2013/2014 PH & PB spend
SYLLR 2013/14/15
Outcome model
Instrument PH&PB spend
IV second stage
Initial specification
Forward selection
All causes
2013/2014 PH & PB spend
SYLLR 2013/14/15
Outcome model
Instrument PH&PB spend
IV second stage
Derived specification
Forward selection
Public health spend per person−0.084** (0.041)−0.115** (0.048)−0.024 (0.037)−0.081** (0.034)−0.006 (0.025)−0.144*** (0.040)
Healthcare spend per person−0.551 (0.413)−0.672*** (0.233)−1.012*** (0.244)−0.837*** (0.269)
IMD 2010
0.203*** (0.075)−0.505*** (0.157)0.253*** (0.062)0.221*** (0.063)
Proportion of all residents born outside the EU
−0.016 (0.018)−0.043* (0.024)−0.084*** (0.019)−0.070*** (0.019)
Proportion of population in white ethnic group0.246*** (0.060)0.226*** (0.051)
Proportion of population providing unpaid care
−0.439*** (0.167)−0.231** (0.091)−0.399*** (0.144)−0.479*** (0.096)−0.547*** (0.122)
Proportion of population aged 16–74 with no qualifications−0.034 (0.112)−0.111 (0.105)
Proportion of households without a car−0.062 (0.072)−0.033 (0.087)
Proportion of households that are owner occupied0.129* (0.071)0.090 (0.075)
Proportion of households that are one pensioner households−0.082 (0.084)−0.023 (0.079)
Lone parent households with dependent children0.056 (0.060)−0.048 (0.082)
Proportion of population aged 16–74 that are permanently sick0.315*** (0.070)0.475*** (0.068)0.237*** (0.068)1.187*** (0.331)0.554*** (0.031)0.601*** (0.051)
Proportion of those aged 16–74 that are long-term unemployed0.039 (0.057)0.085 (0.060)0.156*** (0.040)
Proportion of those aged 16–74 working agriculture−0.015 (0.010)−0.007 (0.013)
Proportion of those aged 16–74 in professional occupations−0.201*** (0.077)−0.205*** (0.049)−0.259*** (0.072)−0.194*** (0.045)
IMD 2010, squared0.092*** (0.028)
Proportion of population aged 16–74 permanently sick, squared0.138*** (0.052)
Constant5.532*** (0.649)7.936*** (0.402)8.714*** (2.852)11.286*** (1.409)15.008*** (1.756)13.666*** (1.762)
Endogeneity test statistic11.36910.5795.92817.6836.13722.853
Endogeneity p value0.0010.0010.0520.0000.0460.000
Hansen-Sargan test statistic14.75020.8491.66723.781.465
Hansen-Sargan p value0.0000.0000.1970.0000.226
Kleibergen-Paap LM test statistic26.82132.7629.02716.03424.00218.331
Kleibergen-Paap p value0.0000.0000.0600.0000.0000.000
Kleibergen-Paap F statistic69.320120.5212.3238.9797.22011.627
Pesaran-Taylor reset statistic10.1162.4561.4050.1750.0730.466
Pesaran-Taylor p value0.0010.1170.2360.6760.7880.495
SW_PH F-statisticn/an/a70.79670.796100.60857.002
SW_PH p valuen/an/a0.0000.0000.0000.000
SW_PB F-statisticn/an/a13.46913.4699.05217.375
SW_PB p valuen/an/a0.0000.0000.0000.000
  • Robust SE in brackets.

  • *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.

  • EU, European Union; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; n/a, not applicable; SW_PB, Sanderson-Windmeijer test statistic for programme budgeting healthcare expenditure; SW_PH, Sanderson-Windmeijer test statistic for public health expenditure; SYLLR, standardised under 75 years of life lost rate.