Table 3

Mortality elasticities and cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) estimates for public health and healthcare expenditure, 2013/2014

Outcome specificationMortality elasticity associated with public health expenditureMortality elasticity associated with healthcare expenditureCost per death averted (£)Cost per QALY (£)Health (QALY) gains associated with £1bn budget boost
Public healthHealthcarePublic healthHealthcarePublic healthHealthcare
col 1col 2col 3col 4col 5col 6col 7col 8
With public health spend only
Backward selection−0.115 (0.048)n/a£48 894n/a£3412n/a293 083n/a
With public health and healthcare spend
(A) Backward selection−0.081 (0.034)−0.672 (0.233)£69 414£213 780£4845£14 912206 39867 060
(B) Forward selection−0.144 (0.040)−0.837 (0.269)£39 047£171 631£2725£11 973366 97383 521
  • n/a, not applicable.