Li et al11 | Monetary incentivesUS$15.5 cash bonus for transportation and nutritional supplements Out-of-pocket payment reduction to 10% of the charge for the treatment services by government insurance funding and project subsidies
| | | Community care workers (CCWs) identified a treatment supporter for the patients
Yin et al19 | CommoditiesUS$10 transport reimbursement per month US$10 nutrition support per month
| | Reminding medications renewal Methods to cope with adverse events The importance of adherence
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Oyieng'o et al 39 | Monetary incentivesTransport incentives Commodities Food supply
| Home visitNurses gave medication and injection administration at patients' home or the nearest healthcare facility at patients’ will
| | A household member supervised the evening oral dose
Taneja et al 40 | CommoditiesEggs and nutritious multigrain provision
| Home visitProviders: trained homecare teams visit patients' home every fortnight in intensive phase and every 45 days during continuation phase Content: physical assessment by body weight, side-effects of medicine and complications; motivating patients to take sputum microscopy
Psychological supportAddressing emotional needs Providing mental and vocational rehabilitation-getting readmission to schools or encouraging them to work
| Disease information Importance of treatment adherence Health education about coughing etiquettes
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Baral et al 41 | Monetary incentivesUS$28 per month to cover local transport, food and rental costs
| | Small group counselling led by trained public health nurses every 2–3 weeks
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Brust et al42 | Monetary incentivesTravel reimbursement for patients and family members
| Home visitWeekly side effects monitor by nurses or community health workers (CHWs) Intensive phase: daily home visit by a nurse and a driver (injection team) Continuation phase: daily visits by CHWs for DOTs
| Weekly education sessions about MDR-TB and HIV for patients and treatment supporters in clinic
| Family members or friends to be treatment supporters
Acha et al 43 | Monetary incentivesTransportation subsidy
| Psychological supportSupport group sessions convened bimonthly with 8–12 patients, one or two cured patients and health workers (psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and health workers)
| Family workshops to increase the awareness about the disease and treatment
| Daytime recreational excursions several times a year Symbolic celebrations for patients' birthdays, treatment completion, international TB day and other festivals
Mohr et al44 | | Home visitSocial situation assessment by CCWs Adherence barriers identification by CCWs
| A MeÂdecins Sans Frontières counsellor reviewed the medication, issued a pillbox and addressed the adherence barriers in clinic
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Sripad et al 45 | Monetary incentivesUS$240 bonus each month after taking medications at least 26 days per month for up to 24 months
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Bhatt et al 46 | Monetary incentivesCash handouts Reimbursement of conveyance
CommoditiesNutritional supplements: milk, eggs, grains, pulses, jaggery, biscuits and cooking oil
| Motivation
| Patient-provider group meetings
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