Table 2

Screening data for 2082 consecutive patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 admitted to one of five centres

Total screened per centre28183415Total (779)445784742082
Number recruited (%)35 (12.5)16 (19.3)185 (44.6)236 (30.3)124 (27.9)56 (7.1)14 (18.9)430 (20.7)
Refused participation (%)10 (3.6)19 (22.9)16 (3.9)45 (5.8)8 (1.8)29 (3.7)0 (0.0)82 (3.9)
Clinical grounds/trial exclusion criteria(%)83 (29.5)15 (18.1)40 (9.6)138 (17.7)167 (37.5)365 (46.6)29 (39.2)699 (33.6)
Lacked capacity (%)22 (7.8)0 (0.0)1 (0.2)23 (3.0)16 (3.6)98 (12.5)0 (0.0)137 (6.6)
Mechanical ventilation (%)37 (13.2)7 (8.4)0 (0.0)44 (5.6)7 (1.6)48 (6.1)7 (9.5)106 (5.1)
Drug interactions (%)12 (4.3)2 (2.4)0 (0.0)14 (1.8)2 (0.4)1 (0.1)0 (0.0)17 (0.8)
Medically fit for discharge (%)55 (19.6)14 (16.9)77 (18.6)146 (18.7)65 (14.6)136 (17.3)16 (21.6)363 (17.4)
Palliative care (%)19 (6.8)7 (8.4)61 (14.7)87 (11.2)8 (1.8)51 (6.5)7 (9.5)153 (7.3)
Not approached or considered (%)8 (2.8)3 (3.6)35 (8.4)46 (5.9)48 (10.8)0 (0.0)1 (1.4)95 (4.6)
Total not recruited (%)246 (87.5)67 (80.7)230 (55.4)543 (69.7)321 (72.1)728 (92.9)60 (81.1)1652 (79.3)
  • *Centre screened concurrently to both RECOVERY and SIMPLE: moderate and severe trials.