Table 2

Diagnosis and procedure codes used to define thromboembolic outcomes

Thromboembolic event typeICD-10 codesCanadian Classification of Health Interventions codes
Deep vein thrombosisI82.8, I82.9, I80.1, I80.2, I80.3, I80.8, I80.9, I82.0, I82.1, I82.2, I82.3
Pulmonary embolismI26.0, I26.9
Ischaemic strokeI63.0, I63.1, I63.2, I63.3, I63.4, I63.5, I63.6, I63.8, I63.9, I64, H34.1, H34.2, H34.8, H34.9
Transient ischaemic attackH34.0, G45.0, G45.1, G45.2, G45.3, G45.8, G45.9
Peripheral vascular disease or emergency rescue procedureI70.0, I70.1, I70.20, I70.21, I70.8, I70.9, I73.1, I73.8, I73.9, K55.11KA76, 1KA50, 1KE76, 1KG50, 1KG57, 1KG76, 1KG87, 1IA87, 1IB87, 1IC87, 1ID87, 1KA87, 1KE57
Systemic embolismI74.0, I74.1, I74.2, I74.3, I74.4, I74.5, I74.8, I74.9
  • ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.