Table 5

Potential enablers to increase absolute CVD risk assessments: percentage of GPs agreeing with statements

Better consumer education for patients about having their total CVD risk checked could increase uptake of assessments.86
Patients eligible for a total CVD risk assessment could be prescreened by the practice nurse prior to their GP appointment.86
Computer prompt reminders for patients due for a total CVD risk assessment could increase uptake.82
If adequate government funding/incentives were available for completing total CVD risk assessments, I would be more likely to complete these assessments.78
Practice nurses are well suited to perform total CVD risk assessments.78
A recall of all eligible patients in the GP registry due for a total CVD assessment would be an effective method of increasing uptake.77
If I was allocated dedicated screening time in my schedule, I could complete more total CVD risk assessments.73
GPs should continue to be the health professional that completes total CVD risk assessments.69
The best way for me to complete total CVD risk assessments is opportunistically.70
Point of care testing for cholesterol and HDL would enable more total CVD risk assessments.63
Total CVD risk assessments performed within a workplace setting could be an effective means of increasing uptake.63
If appointment time slots were increased, this could enable more total CVD risk assessments.61
  • Total n=111, 8%–10% missing for each statement. Percentage agreement=proportion of GPs who ‘strongly agreed’, ‘agreed’ or ‘agreed somewhat’/total GPs who responded × 100.

  • CVD, cardiovascular disease; GPs, general practitioners.