Table 3

Patient-level, HCP-level and clinic-level variables

DataSubcategoryCharacteristicData source
Patient levelDemographicsAge, race/ethnicity, sex/gender, primary language.EHR
HIV riskPWID: age, enrolment in a methadone maintenance programme in last 6 months, composite injection score (inject heroin, inject cocaine, share cooker, share needles, visit shooting gallery).Risk assessment
MSM: age, no of male sex partners in past 6 months, any receptive anal sex with a man without a condom, no of HIV+/HIV status unknown male partners in past 6 months, any commercial sex work in past 6 months, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), methamphetamine use in past 6 months, cocaine/crack or popper use, insertive anal sex without a condom with an HIV+ or HIV status unknown man, heavy alcohol use.Risk assessment
Heterosexual sex: no of opposite-sex sex partners in past 6 months, sex without a condom with a woman at high risk for HIV (eg, PWID) or HIV+/HIV status unknown, sex without a condom with a man at high risk for HIV (eg, PWID or bisexual male) or HIV+/HIV status unknown, any commercial sex work in past 6 months, STIs.Risk assessment
Secondary OutcomesPrEP initiation (based on patient self-report), duration of PrEP use (based on patient self-report of time of PrEP initiation to discontinuation), reason for discontinuation.EHR
HCP levelDemographicsAge, sex/gender, race/ethnicity, languages spoken, degree, years of experience as HCP.Baseline survey
Clinical careProvision of clinical care to individuals living with HIV (Y/N), no of patients living with HIV, no of patients initiated on PrEP, willingness to prescribe PrEP to adolescents or adults, who in the clinic provides PrEP services (such as sexual risk reduction counselling, PrEP adherence counselling and laboratory tests and monitoring), how confident the HCP is that they or someone in the clinic can provide these services, how often the HCP assesses HIV risk during patient visits, who the HCP considers prescribing PrEP to and what concerns the HCP has about PrEP.Baseline survey
Primary outcomeNo of PrEP initiation prescriptions.EHR
Secondary outcomesTime from initiating PrEP to monitoring HIV antibody and creatinine, frequency of follow-up laboratory monitoring, no of refills, provision of PrEP adherence and risk reduction counselling, HIV risk assessed, assessment of PrEP indication, review of patients’ STIs to evaluate HIV risk.EHR
Clinic levelCharacteristicsPatient panel size, no of HCPs who have served for at least 2 years, no of bilingual HCPs, ratio of ancillary staff to HCPs.Meeting with medical director
  • EHR, electronic health record; HCP, healthcare provider; MSM, men who have sex with men; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; PWID, people who inject drugs.