Table 1

Eligibility criteria

PICOS strategy46Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
P—PopulationStudies of children, defined as being aged under 18 years, diagnosed with conditions associated with ICH.(i) Studies of adults aged 18 years old or over; (ii) Studies not pertaining to the diagnosis of ICH.
Studies employing OCT to detect ICH.Any studies that do not include OCT.
Absence of a comparator will not lead to exclusion of studies, as it may be unethical to deprive one arm of the study of OCT when it may lead to a better clinical outcome in such a dangerous situation of ICH.N/A
Sensitivity and specificity of any OCT measure(s),
±surrogate measure(s), for ICH.
Studies that do not report OCT measures.
Study design
All level IV evidence and above, that is, systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies and case series, as defined by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine.51Level 5 evidence, that is, expert opinion without critical appraisal.
  • ICP, intracranial pressure; N/A, Not applicable; OCT, optical coherence tomography; PICOS, Population Intervention Comparison Outcome and Study design.