Table 4

Multivariable Cox regression model for postoperative time to discharge in a cohort of patients undergoing surgery for chronic subdural haematoma (n=531), pooled across m=40 imputed data sets

HR95% CIP value
Age (per year increase)0.990.99 to 1.000.114
Sex (male vs female)1.090.90 to 1.330.351
GCS 15 (vs any-other value)1.030.97 to 1.080.377
Referred patient1.460.98 to 2.170.063
ASA (per 1 level increase)0.900.77 to 1.060.217
Admission complications1.060.99 to 1.120.093
Airways disease (yes/no)1.030.79 to 1.340.819
CVS disease (yes/no)0.960.77 to 1.180.676
Anticoagulated on admission (yes/no)0.450.37 to 0.54<0.001*
Heart failure (yes/no)1.020.77 to 1.330.908
mRS (per 1 level increase)0.990.91 to 1.090.885
Baseline creatinine (per 20 µmol/L increase)0.980.94 to 1.010.242
Cognitive concern (yes/no)0.710.58 to 0.87<0.001*
Operative time (per 10 min increase)0.990.91 to 1.010.357
Postoperative complications (per 1 domain increase in ePOMS)0.610.55 to 0.68<0.001*
  • HRs >1 indicate association with a more rapid time to discharge.

  • *Indicate statistical significance at the 5% level. Postoperative complications included as a time-dependent covariate (by day).

  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists score; CVS, cardiovascular; ePOMS, Electronic Postoperative Morbidity Score; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; mRS, Modified Rankin Scale.