Table 1

Abstraction tool item scoring

Description of procedure
1) Is language describing what the procedure is (beyond the medical name) provided for the patient?‘Yes’2
 1a) If provided, is it typed?‘Yes’1
2) Is a description of how the procedure will be performed provided for the patient?‘Yes’2
2a) If provided, is it typed?‘Yes’1
Rational for procedure
3) Is the clinical rationale (condition-specific justification) for why the procedure will be performed provided?‘Yes, full criteria met’2
Patient-oriented benefit(s)
4) Is any patient-oriented benefit provided (intended impact on patient's health, longevity, and/or quality of life)?‘Yes’2
Probability of procedure-specific risks
5) Is a quantitative probability provided for any procedure-specific risk?‘Yes’2
6) Is a qualitative probability provided for any procedure-specific risk?‘Yes’1
Alternative(s) to the procedures
7) Is any alternative provided for the patient?‘Yes’2
8 (a) Date document was shared with patient (if not available, date of patient's/proxy's signature)
8 (b) Date of procedure
8 (c) Patient opted out of receiving the consent document at least 1 day prior to the procedure
At least one calendar day before procedure OR patient opted out5
Same day as procedure0
Missing either date of patients’/proxy’s signature or missing date of procedure0
Maximum quality score20
  • N/A, not applicable.