Table 1

Comparison of SHAPE cohort participants with eligible non-respondents who were enrolled in the Drug Treatment Program

Demographic variablesSHAPE participants (n=644), n (%)Eligible non-respondents (n=7737), n (%)P value
Age at baseline*<0.001
 <3025 (4)313 (4)
 30–<4092 (14)1078 (14)
 40–<50184 (29)1718 (22)
 ≥50343 (53)4628 (60)
 Women139 (22)1294 (17)
 Men496 (77)6394 (83)
 Other9 (1)49 (1)
 Caucasian467 (73)3012 (63)
 Indigenous101 (16)674 (14)
 Asian18 (3)429 (9)
 African, Caribbean and Black4 (1)240 (5)
 Other54 (8)428 (9)
 Missing value2954
History of injection drug use273 (42)2080 (33)<0.001
 Missing value961382
Gay, bisexual or other MSM368 (57)3089 (52)0.01
 Missing value1776
  • *As of study enrolment date for SHAPE participants; as of 1 September 2018 for eligible non-respondents.

  • MSM, men who have sex with men; SHAPE, Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of HIV/AIDS Program Evaluation.