Table 1

Characteristics of cross-validation and external validation analyses for a new microsimulation model of smoking behaviours and outcomes

AnalysisSTOP-generated output of interestComparatorMeasure of goodness of fit
Cross-validation*1950 birth cohort prevalence of never, current and former smokers, ages 0–70 years, by sexCISNET-modelled 1950 birth cohort prevalence of never, current and former smokers, ages 0–70 years, by sexRMSE
External validation: mortalityCumulative mortality by age, sex and smoking statusMortality rates of 1997–2009 NHIS respondents by age, sex and smoking status, and cumulative mortalityMAPE and RMSE
External validation: smoking prevalencePrevalence of never, current and former smokers, annually, 1998–2009NHIS never, current and former smoking prevalence, annually, 1998–2009RMSE
  • *The initial cross-validation did not include smoking relapse. In the subsequent calibration step, we incorporated smoking relapse and calibrated cessation to achieve a good fit to the CISNET-modelled 1950 birth cohort prevalence of never, current and former smokers.

  • CISNET, Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Monitoring Network; MAPE, mean absolute percentage error; NHIS, National Health Interview Survey; RMSE, root-mean-square error; STOP, Simulation of Tobacco and Nicotine Outcomes and Policy model.