Table 1

Description of measures and timepoints

MeasureDomainScoring descriptionMethod of assessmentBaselineIntervention6-
Primary outcome
Corsi Block Forward Tapping Task41Visuo-spatial short-term memory/immediate attentionRaw scores for longest recall span will be used to determine visual short-term memory/immediate attentionChild assessment··
Secondary outcomes
Digit Span Forward41Verbal immediate attention/short-term memoryRaw scores for longest recall span will be used to determine verbal immediate attentionChild assessment··
Corsi Block Backward Tapping Task41Visuo-spatial working memoryUse of raw scores, indicating longest backward recall spanChild assessment··
Digit Span Backwards41Verbal working memoryUse of raw scores, indicating longest backward recall spanChild assessment··
NIH Toolbox, Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test46Inhibitory control, attentionRaw scores range from 0 to 10, with standard scores mean=100 (SD=15) used in reportingChild assessment··
NIH Toolbox, Dimensional Change Card SortCognitive flexibilityRaw scoresChild assessment·
Sustained Attention to Response TaskSustained attentionStandard scores mean=100 (SD=15)Child assessment·
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire47Child mental-health related behaviourA 25-item validated measure for children aged 4–16 years; with higher scores representing higher levels of behaviour/mental health difficulties. Measure reports subscales for internalising difficulties (5 items), externalising difficulties (10 items) and total difficulties (20 items)Parent and teacher survey···
Affective Reactivity IndexEmotion-regulationA 7-item measure, with a range of 0–14, with higher scores representing greater irritabilityParent survey···
Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory48Executive functioning behaviourA 24-item measure validated for children aged 4–12 years. Each item is scored 1–5, with higher scores representing greater difficulties. It yields two subscales: inhibition (11-items) and working memory (13-items)Parent and teacher survey···
ECLS-K Approaches to Learning49Learning behaviourA 6-item subscale from the Social Rating Scale used in Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten (ECLS-K). Items were designed to assess various aspects of a child’s approach to learning, such as organisation, working independently and task completion. The possible score range was 1–6, with higher scores indicating better approaches to learningTeacher survey···
Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting50Mindful parenting, parent–child interaction (four subscales)10-item measure, with subscales for awareness and present-centred attention (4-items), non-judgement (3-items) and non-reactivity (3-items)Parent survey···
Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS)51Mental well-being7-item scale which yields a single score ranging from 7 to 35, with higher scores representing better well-beingParent survey···
Kessler-6 (K-6)52Psychological distressA 6-item, self-reported and validated measure of mental health distress, with higher scores indicating greater psychological distressParent survey··
Mindfulness in Teaching ScaleTeacher mindfulness14-item self-report measure, with Teacher Intrapersonal Mindfulness (9-items, range 9–45) and Teacher Interpersonal Mindfulness subscales (7 items, range 7–35), with higher scores representing more negative outcomesTeacher survey···
Student-Teacher Relationship Scale-Short Form53Quality of student–teacher relationships14-item measure, with possible score range was 28–75, with higher scores representing a more positive relationship between the teacher and the childTeacher survey···
SWEMWBS51Mental well-being7-item scale which yields a single score ranging from 7 to 35, with higher scores representing better well-beingTeacher survey···
K-652Psychological distressA 6-item, self-reported and validated measure of mental health distress, with higher scores indicating greater psychological distressTeacher survey···
CLASSClassroom environment/quality,
teacher–student interactions
Widely used observational tool (1 hour) that assesses dimensions of classroom interactions linked to student achievement and classroom quality (emotional support, classroom organisation and instructional support)Research assistant·
Woodcock Johnson—3rd edition54General cognitive/intellectual and non-verbal abilityStandard scores will be used, with mean 100, SD=15Child·
Family demographicsParent survey·
Teacher demographicsTeacher survey·
  • CLASS, Classroom Assessment Scoring System; NIH, National Institute of Health; WJIII, Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities - 3.