Table 2

Characteristics of parents and children associated with multivitamin supplement intake (N=98 787)

VariablesNo intakeMultivitamin intake*P value
N=92 205N=6582
Sex, boy (%)†47,258 (51.3)3374 (51.3)0.466
 Gestational week, median (IQR)†39 (38 to 40)39 (38 to 40)<0.001
 Birth weight, mean (SD)†3009 (434)3011 (431)0.660
Maternal age at pregnancy, mean (SD)†30.7 (5.05)31.6 (4.79)<0.001
Maternal BMI at pregnancy, mean (SD)21.3 (3.32)20.9 (3.07)<0.001
First pregnancy, yes (%)28,106 (30.5)2482 (37.7)0.505
History of spontaneous abortion, yes (%)18,405 (20.0)1294 (19.7)
History of abortion, yes (%)13,614 (14.8)958 (14.6)
Maternal smoking status during pregnancy, yes (%)
 Never smoker†53,270 (57.8)3835 (58.3)<0.001
 Past smoker21,586 (23.4)1676 (25.5)
 Quit smoking after pregnancy12,224 (13.3)766 (11.6)
 Current smoker4441 (4.82)261 (3.97)
Maternal alcohol intake during pregnancy, yes (%)
 Never drinker†31,919 (34.6)2102 (31.9)<0.001
 Past drinker50,869 (55.2)3723 (56.6)
 Current drinker9017 (9.78)727 (11.1)
Marital status, yes (%)
 Married†87,808 (95.2)6299 (95.7)0.807
 Single3211 (3.48)207 (3.14)
 Divorced/Widowed784 (0.85)50 (0.76)
Maternal job status†
 Full-time job29,877 (32.4)2285 (34.7)0.003
 Part-time or temporary job2909 (3.15)202 (3.07)
 Self-employment20,478 (22.2)1411 (21.4)
 Housewife or others35,784 (38.8)2473 (37.6)
Maternal education†
 High school (up to 12 years)33,405 (36.2)1914 (29.1)<0.001
 College (up to 14 years)38,080 (41.3)2804 (42.6)
 University or higher (over 16 years)19,304 (20.9)1760 (26.7)
Household income†
 Up to 2 million yen4876 (5.29)257 (3.90)<0.001
 2–8 million yen70,862 (76.9)5034 (76.5)
 Over 8 million yen8942 (9.70)890 (13.5)
  • *Multivitamin intake means multivitamin intake during any period of ‘before pregnancy confirmation’, ‘Up to 12 weeks’ or ‘After 12 weeks’.

  • †Data were missing for sex for 8 (0.01%), for birth weight for 68 (0.07%), for mothers' age at pregnancy for 6134 (6.21%), for mothers' BMI at pregnancy for 42 (0.04%), for smoking status of mothers for 728 (0.74%), for alcohol intake of mothers for 430 (0.44%), for marital status for 428 (0.43%), for job status of mothers for 3368 (3.41%), for education of mothers for 1520 (1.54%) and for household income for 7926 (8.02%) subjects.

  • BMI, body mass index.