Table 1

Examples of selected interventions for rehabilitation

Patient education and self-managementTeaching patients skills that they can use to manage their health condition
  • Learning disease-specific information

  • Learning general managing skills (eg, problem solving, finding and using community resources, working with healthcare team)

  • Learning strategies to increase confidence (ie, self-efficacy) in ability to engage in behaviours that are needed to manage their condition on a daily basis

  • Adequate peer role models and support networks that facilitate the initiation and maintenance of desired behavioural changes

ExerciseA subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive and purposeful; can be supervised (eg, by a healthcare professional) or unsupervised
  • Stretching

  • Strengthening

  • Range of motion exercises

  • Aerobic (eg, swimming, cycling, walking, running)

  • Anaerobic (eg, jumping, sprinting, weight lifting)

Manual therapiesManipulation: techniques incorporating a high-velocity low-amplitude impulse or thrust applied at or near the end of a joint’s passive range of motion
Mobilisation: techniques incorporating a low-velocity and small or large amplitude oscillatory movement, within a joint’s passive range of motion
Traction: manual or mechanically assisted application of an intermittent or continuous distractive force
Soft tissue therapy: a mechanical form of therapy where soft-tissue structures are pressed and kneaded, using physical contact with the hand or mechanical device
  • Lumbar manipulation, mobilisation or traction

  • Massage

  • Muscle energy technique

  • Strain counterstrain

Passive physical modalitiesA form of cold, heat or light application affecting the body at the skin level or ultrasonic or electromagnetic radiation affecting structures beneath the skin surface:
Passive assistive devices: device to encourage immobilisation in anatomic positions or actively inhibit or prevent movement
  • Heat application: heat pack, hydrotherapy

  • Cryotherapy: cold pack, vapocoolant spray

  • Low-level laser

  • Electrical muscle stimulation

  • Pulsed electromagnetic therapy

AcupunctureAny body needling, moxibustion, electric acupuncture, laser acupuncture, microsystem acupuncture and acupressure
  • Traditional needling

  • Dry needling

  • Burning of specific herbs

  • Electroacupuncture

  • Photoacupuncture

Pharmacological interventionsA substance used in treating disease or relieving pain
  • Acetaminophen

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Muscle relaxants

  • Antidepressants

Psychological interventionsActivities used to modify behaviour, emotional state or feelings
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy

  • Counselling

  • Social network and environment-based therapies

  • Psychoeducational interventions

  • Mindfulness meditation

Assistive technologiesAny item, piece of equipment or product system, used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities
  • Walking aids

  • Orthoses

  • Braces

  • Wheelchairs