Table 2

Characteristics of the focus groups

LocationSubject of focus groupParticipants from region (number)Total number of participants
1. PugliaExperience study visit Puglia on GP in telemonitoring.Experts from Puglia (3), Olomouc (5) and Scotland (6).14
2. Basque countryExperience study visit Basque country on GP in advanced care planning.Experts from the Basque country (3) and Norrbotten (3).6
3. ScotlandExperience study visit Scotland on dimension innovation management of the SCIROCCO tool.Experts from Scotland (3) and Norrbotten (5).8
4. NorrbottenExperience study visit Norrbotten on dimension eHealth and Information services of the SCIROCCO tool.Experts from Norrbotten (4) and Olomouc (4).8
5. ScotlandExperience study visit on GP in third sector in Scotland.Experts from Scotland (3), Puglia (4) and Basque country (6).13
Grand total:49
  • GP, Good Practice; SCIROCCO, Scaling IntegRated Care in Context.