Table 3

One-way sensitivity analyses* of model parameters (mean per 100 000 persons) by strategy

Costs (£ millions)Quality-adjusted life yearsPrimary prevention versus early detectionPrimary prevention versus no intvn
Early detectionPrimary preventionNo intvnEarly detectionPrimary preventionNo intvnIncremental cost (£m)Incremental QALYsIncremental cost (£m)Incremental QALYs
Base case (30 years duration, age 50, 3% discounting costs and QALYs)493.5386.4406.11 821 1951 822 9371 821 201107.1174219.71736
Cost of wbCSE in high users(base AU$112.80)
Cost of wbCSE in high users=$55.58441.3386.4406.11 821 1951 822 9371 821 201−54.91742−19.71736
Cost of wbCSE in high users=$169.20545.4386.4406.11 821 1951 822 9371 821 201−159.01742−19.71736
Prob thick melanoma (base 0.25)
Prob thick melanoma=0.21488.2386.4406.11 821 6861 822 9371 821 201−101.81251−19.71736
Prob thick melanoma=0.29497.7386.4406.11 820 8111 822 9371 821 201−111.32126−19.71736
Rate reduction in benign lesions from sunscreen (base 0.76)
RR 0.66493.5381.1406.11 821 1951 822 8221 821 201−112.41627−25.11621
RR 0.86493.5392.1406.11 821 1951 823 0551 821 201−101.51860−14.01854
KC utility (base 0.98)
Utility 0.95493.5386.4406.11 819 7841 821 9281 819 831−107.12145−19.82097
Utility 0.99493.5386.4406.11 821 4081 823 0861 821 408−107.11677−19.81677
Rate reduction in melanoma from sunscreen (base 0.50)
RR 0.45493.5384.2406.11 821 1951 823 1581 821 201−109.31963−21.91957
RR 0.55493.5388.5406.11 821 1951 822 7201 821 201−105.01525−17.61519
Mortality prob of thick5 years:0.233;10 years:0.301
Prob 0.27 to 0.34494.3386.8407.01 821 0651 822 8671 821 069−107.5180220.11799
Prob 0.19 to 0.26492.4385.8405.01 821 3761 823 0351 821 387−106.6165919.21648
  • Bold values are the main analysis results to compare with the other sensitivity analyses result.

  • *Analyses were performed by changing the parameter of interest and rerunning the model with 5000 Monte Carlo simulations.

  • KC, keratinocyte cancers; QALYs, quality-adjusted life years; RR, relative risk; wbCSE, whole-body clinical skin examination.