Table 1

Vote 1: result of nominal group technique stakeholder group consensus of six candidate measures’ suitability for the assessment of exercise adherence

How suitable are the six candidate measures of exercise adherence with respect toRelevance
Yes (%)
Yes (%)
Yes (%)
Yes (%)
Overall suitability
Yes (%)
HRERS in routine practice7.
HRERS in clinical trials7.
PRPS in routine practice14.385.70.014.314.3
PRPS in clinical trials7.
RAQ in clinical trials14.321.
SIRAS in routine practice14.385.
SIRAS in clinical trials7.164.314.30.00.0
AESOP in routine practice0.
AESOP in clinical trials0.
CHAMPS in routine practice0.
CHAMPS in clinical trials0.
RAQ in routine practice7.
RAQ in clinical trials14.321.
  • AESOP, Adherence to Exercise Scale for Older Patients; CHAMPS, Community Healthy Activities Model Programme for Seniors; HRERS, Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale; PRPS, Pittsburgh Rehabilitation Participation Scale; RAQ, Rehabilitation Adherence Questionnaire (modified); SIRAS, Sports Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale.