Table 3

Potential sources of confounding between intervention and control groups that are available within linked databases

CategoryVariableDefinitionSourceYears available
Socioeconomic statusIncomeHousehold incomeCensus2006 and 2016
SEFIMaterial and social deprivationMCHP repositoryAnnual
DemographicsAgeCensus2006 and 2016
SexCensus2006 and 2016
EthnicityCensus2006 and 2016
Immigration statusCensus2006 and 2016
GentrificationChange in mean age neighbourhoodTaxation valuation of value of propertyCity of Winnipeg2008 to 2018
Property value
Built environmental factors that support physical activityGreenspaceDistance to park (km)DMTI/CANUE2006 and 2016
WalkabilityPopulation density, mixed land use and connectivityCAN-ALE (CANUE)2006 and 2016
Fitness/recreation centresDistance to centreCANUE2006 and 2016
  • CANUE, Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium; DMTI, Digital Mapping company name; MCHP, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy; SEFI, Socioeconomic Factor Index.