Table 1

Measures and data collection schedule

AimConstructInstrumentItems, nT1
Week 0
Week 8
Week 20
Week 44
CharacteristicsDemographics and clinical characteristics9X
Aim 1Participation and
PROMIS (satisfaction and ability to participate in social roles and activities)16XXXX
Disability Days3
Individual activity targets3–15
Aim 2Quality of lifeFACT-G28XXXX
Exploratory aimAdaptive copingBrief COPE subscales6XXXX
Exploratory aimGoal adjustmentGDGRS10XXXX
Exploratory aimDistressHADS14XXXX
Perceived benefitPerceived benefit questions5X
  • Research assistants will administer the outcome assessment battery by telephone on enrolment (T1), after completion of the most intensive portion of the intervention (T2), after completion of the full intervention (T3) and 6 months after completion of the intervention (T4).

  • Brief COPE, Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced; FACT-G, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General; GDGRS, Goal Disengagement and Goal Reengagement Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; PROMIS, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; WLQ-SF, Work Limitations Questionnaire-Short Form.