Table 1

Process of care measures

MeasureConcordant conditionsDiscordant conditions
Diabetes with comorbid hypertensionDiabetes with comorbid hypertension and chronic ischaemic heart diseaseDiabetes with comorbid osteoarthritisDiabetes with comorbid osteoarthritis and major depression
Process measures
HbA1c testing
Eye examination
Use of oral hypoglycaemic drugs
Use of ACE inhibitors
Use of angiotensin II receptor blockers
Use of antiplatelet drugs
Use of statins
Use of NSAIDs – * ‘negative’ indicator
Use of tetracyclic antidepressant – ’negative indicator’
Use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors – ‘negative indicator’
Use of benzodiazepines – ‘negative indicator’
Use of gaba receptor agonists – ’negative indicator’
  • *’Negative’ indicators related to contraindicated processes because they increase the risk of adverse outcomes.

  • HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.