Table 3

Acute hospital management details of identified cases with a confirmed mTBI diagnosis (n=351) and indeterminate mTBI diagnosis (n=180) who presented to ED

Confirmed mTBI
(WHO criteria)
Indeterminate mTBI
(secondary criteria)
Statistical comparison
N (%)N (%)P value*
ED management details
ED arrival mode<0.001
 By ambulance250 (71.2)56 (31.1)
 Other101 (28.8)124 (68.9)
Triage category<0.001
 1. Seen immediately24 (6.8)4 (2.2)
 2. Within 10 min170 (48.4)42 (23.3)
 3. Within 30 min116 (33.1)64 (35.6)
 4. Within 1 hour40 (11.4)69 (38.3)
 5. Within 2 hours1 (0.3)1 (0.6)
Intubation†1 (0.3)00.47
ICU admission†7 (2)1 (0.6)0.19
Length of ED stay (hours), median (IQR)5.8 (4–8.6)3.8 (2.6–5.7)<0.001
Length of hospital stay (days), median (IQR)3.4 (1.9–6.5)2 (0.9–7.9)
Discharge destination<0.001
 Discharged home133 (37.9)127 (70.6)
 Admitted to ED121 (34.5)36 (20)
 Admitted to ward97 (27.6)17 (9.4)
Location of initial GCS†<0.001
 At the scene 30-min post-injury216 (61.5)52 (28.9)
 At ED presentation130 (37)127 (70.6)
Brain CT performed†266 (75.8)73 (40.6)<0.001
PTA measured†182 (51.9)46 (25.6)<0.001
 A-WPTAS169 (92.8)44 (95.6)
 WPTAS19 (10.4)2 (4.4)
 Location of PTA testing(n=182)(n=46)
 In ED166 (91.2)44 (95.6)0.364
 In ward28 (15.4)2 (4.4)<0.05
Time to PTA testing (hours), median (IQR)3.7 (2.3–6.1)2.5 (1.7–4.9)<0.05
PTA classification based on PTA testing(n=182)(n=46)<0.001
 Optimal scores/did not fail32 (17.8)40 (87)
 6–30 min2 (1.1)
 31–60 min1 (0.1)
 >1–12 hours106 (58.4)
 >12–24 hours4 (2.2)
 Unknown/incomplete/missing37 (20.4)6 (13)
Head injury advice given†166 (47.3)120 (66.7)<0.001
Follow-up recommendations128 (36.5)43 (23.9)<0.01
Representations to ED (within 1 month)13 (3.7)8 (4.4)
Recorded mTBI diagnosis in the ED records0.47
 No269 (76.9)146 (81.1)
 Yes81 (23.1)34 (18.9)
  • The data contain occasional missing data values that are assumed to be random.

  • *χ2, z-test, t-test.

  • †Proportion of valid cases.

  • A-WPTAS, Abbreviated Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale; ED, emergency department; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU, intensive care unit; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury; PTA, post-traumatic amnesia; WPTAS, Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale.