Table 4

Top 25 ED diagnosis codes (SNOWMED codes) and ED diagnosis codes indicative of mTBI, for the overall mTBI cohort (confirmed mTBI cases, n=351; indeterminate mTBI, n=180)

Top 25 ED diagnosis codes descriptionN%
Injury of head (disorder)14526.3
Motor vehicle accident victim (finding)498.9
Minor head injury (disorder)397.1
Traumatic injury (disorder)376.7
Falls (finding)356.4
Concussion (disorder)264.7
Headache (finding)112.0
Facial laceration (disorder)101.8
Victim of physical assault (finding)91.6
Alcohol intoxication (disorder)81.5
Falling injury (finding)81.5
Fractured nasal bones (disorder)81.5
Laceration of head (disorder)81.5
Post-concussion syndrome (disorder)71.3
Injury of face (disorder)61.1
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (disorder)61.1
Neck pain (finding)50.9
Intracranial injury without skull fracture (disorder)40.7
Laceration of forehead (disorder)40.7
Closed fracture of clavicle (disorder)30.5
Dizziness (finding)30.5
Fracture of maxilla (disorder)30.5
Fracture of rib (disorder)30.5
Injury of neck (disorder)30.5
ED diagnosis codes indicative of mTBI
 Concussion (disorder)264.7
 Post-concussion syndrome (disorder)71.3
 Subarachnoid haemorrhage (disorder)61.1
 Intracranial injury without skull fracture (disorder)40.7
 Subdural haematoma (disorder)30.5
 Brief loss of consciousness (finding)20.4
 Cerebral haemorrhage (disorder)10.2
 Contusion of cerebrum (disorder)10.2
 Crushing injury of skull and intracranial contents (disorder)10.2
 Epidural haemorrhage (disorder)10.2
 Intracranial haemorrhage (disorder)10.2
 Loss of consciousness (finding)10.2
 Transient global amnesia (finding)10.2
 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage (disorder)10.2
  • ED, emergency department; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury.