Table 4

Effect of T1DM on mean final grade of (1) all school subjects and (2) specific subjects (Maths, Swedish, English and Sports) at the end of compulsory school

Dahlquist and KällénPersson et al
(1) Mean final grade of all school subjects from compulsory schooling at age 16 (mean final grade)
Additional statistical analysis performed
3.15 (adjusted)
No T1DM:
3.23 (adjusted)
Mean difference (adjusted): 0.08.
T1DM found to have negative impact on mean grade attainment of all school subjects.
Mean t value −0.24±0.04.
t* value −5.19 p<0.001.
3.13±0.75 (unadjusted)
No T1DM:
3.21±0.72 (unadjusted)
Mean difference (adjusted): 0.07±0.02, p<0.001.
T1DM found to have negative impact on mean grade attainment of all school subjects.
Quantile regression—negative effect of T1DM greatest in the lowest quantile of attainment, diminishing with increasing attainment quantiles, becoming statistically insignificant for the highest attaining quantile.
(2) Mean final grade of specific subjects (Maths, Swedish, English and Sports) from compulsory school at age 16ORs used to compare attainment of each grade in specific subjects in order to estimate effect of T1DM.
  •  Sports/Athletics: clear negative association seen between T1DM and grade attainment.

  •  English: similar pattern to Sports/Athletics however weaker association.

  •  Maths and Swedish: children with T1DM found to be more likely to achieve lower grades however no clear differences were seen for high grades.

Mean difference in attained grades (unadjusted), predicted probability of achieving grades 1–5 in specific subjects, and odds ratios using ordered logistic regression used to estimate effect of T1DM.
  •  Sports/Athletics: clear negative association seen between T1DM and grade attainment.

  •  Similar trend seen in all subjects—largest differences in attainment seen in Sports/Athletics, smallest differences seen in Maths.

  • T1DM, type 1 diabetes mellitus.